The final moments...

Created by Katherine 9 years ago
On 11th December I was getting ready to visit Ashleigh on the neonatal unit and was preparing myself emotionally to get to hold her for longer (as I had briefly held her the night before for the first time!) and feel her skin against mine again. Then I was told the dreaded news and rushed to be nearer to Ashleigh.

Making those phone calls to the ones you love was heart breaking as no one was close by to me, it was at least one hours drive till someone was with me. My world fell apart, all I wanted to do was see her little chest moving up and down. I cradled Ashleigh and held her close to me until mark arrived.

We had Ashleigh blessed and created more memories for most of that day, before we decided to head home. We didn't say goodbye, just until next time...